Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Walmart is one of the largest and most recognized retail stores out there. Pretty much anything and everything you want to look for can be found in Walmart.
And you can have everything you want at some of the lowest prices around too. Whether you’re looking for electronics, food, clothes, toys and lots more, Walmart has it for prices that make it easier on your pocketbook.
And if you are a senior citizen, then you are probably hoping that you can get prices even lower using your senior benefits. But does Walmart offer senior discounts so you can save even more off their prices?
Today, we will share with you the information you need to know about senior discounts at Walmart.
Unfortunately, Walmart does not offer senior citizen discounts. They also do not offer senior discount days for seniors. This means that there is no certain day when senior citizens can take advantage and purchase items that are for sale specifically for them.
Walmart also does not provide AARP discounts for grocery items or any other products. This means that there are no discount offers to products that AARP members plan to buy.
Do not worry, though. Although there are no senior discounts at Walmart, you can try taking advantage of rollbacks, clearance items, price matching, and coupons instead. Walmart stores usually offer plenty of these opportunities.
And for you to be able to take advantage of Walmart’s products included in rollbacks, the best thing you could do is grab a brochure every week and look at the advertisements. Scattered throughout the ads are products with prices on rollbacks.
Take a look at the “everyday low price” for products that are not expensive too. For products under rollback, these may last for 90 days or, in some cases, permanently.
These rollback prices may be to move inventory on items that are not selling sufficiently.
Another way to get low prices on Walmart is through checking the clearance aisle. Products located at the clearance aisle are products that Walmart wants to sell, at a super low price.
They are products that not many people buy which is why they are put in the clearance aisle. For foods, these may be foods that are going near their expiration date.
Most of the time, the clearance section in Walmart is marked with yellow tags.
Another way to receive discounts is through shopping online and getting a “pickup discount.” How this works is simple.
Shop online for a product that you want to purchase. Then, upon purchasing, choose the nearby Walmart store where you will pick up the item. You can get a discount for doing this.
Coupons and discount apps are a big help too. You may need the help of coupon websites to be able to use coupons more effectively.
Discount apps can also help. Certain coupon websites offer discounts after purchasing a product. Just take a photo of the receipt, then the app will apply a rebate to your account.